More than just a health volunteer
Throughout the first week of training, they’ve drilled one thing into our minds: being a Peace Corps Volunteer is more than just working in our respective sectors. Over the last few days, I’ve realized how much I didn’t know about Peace Corps, and truly breaking down its mission and goals has made me even more proud to be a part of it.
Essentially, Peace Corps’s main mission is to promote friendship and peace (amistad y paz) around the world. Next, the organization has 3 main goals:
- Support interested countries (as in countries have to invite Peace Corps to their country) in building the capactities of their men and women.
- Promote a better understanding of Americans around the world, in terms of the different cultures and stories we represent.
- Promote a better understanding of the cultures of other countries by communicating our stories and lessons with Americans upon returning home.
Before leaving for Peru, I attended a Northern Virginia send-off party where someone said “the Peace Corps is the American taxpayer’s best bang for their buck in terms of diplomatic relations” and I’m certainly seeing that truth. For many of the communities in which we’ll be placed, we will be the only American they will ever meet. That means whatever we do, whatever we say, that will be their only view of America. Now that is certainly a whole other dimension than delivering health education and services.
6 thoughts on “More than just a health volunteer”
Super powerful!! You’re a change maker!!
Love, reading your blog! Brings back all the memories of my early Peace Corps days. Peace corps is truly the hardest job you’ll ever love!
I love this perspective. ❤️
So glad I finally got in to read your blogs. You sound wonderful and so happy but I never would have thought otherwise!! Your blogs definitely bring back all my memories of “firsts”, culture, water and impact of our service as PCVs. So happy the language training is going so well and Spanish is a language you will use forever; my 3 African languages not so much!! Water…oh my, so much respect for water! For many years later, Bill and I lathered up with the water off and took short showers! I found a large barrel, filled it with water from the wells, (the children were very helpful carrying water in buckets on their heads), and let the sun heat it, for warm bucket baths!! I love that you will always have a family now in Lima for years to come with your host family!!
Peace Corps is absolutely the hardest job you will ever love!! Love you Lucie!💕💕💕
Your Peace Corps stories will always stay in my mind!! One of the many things that kept me so excited for this adventure. 1 month in, 26 to go! Miss you <3