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A Modern Wonder of the World

A Modern Wonder of the World

In mid-December, I trekked 4 days and 3 nights to one of the 7 Modern Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu. This marks World Wonder number 3 for me, after Petra and Chichen Itza. Just missing the Colosseum, Great Wall of China, Christ the Redeemer, and the Taj Mahal. I went on this adventure alongside Kersten, my BFF since day 1 at UVA. After spending a week at an animal rescue shelter in the southern Amazon Rainforest, she met me…

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What I mean when I say “Every day is different”

What I mean when I say “Every day is different”

I’ve talked to more than a few people interested in the Peace Corps, and I’m always asked “What’s a normal day like?” As one may expect, my answer is the classic “There’s no ‘normal day’, every day is different”. In honor of this response, I dedicate this post to today. A day that is the textbook definition of “every day is different”. 6am: Wake up 6:10am: Go to the bathroom and realize the recent rains have turned our water brown….

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After 1 year in Ancash, hindsight is 20/20 going into 2025.

After 1 year in Ancash, hindsight is 20/20 going into 2025.

As I look back on the past year, and forward into the next, it is an opportunity to make the most of the time I have left. So, this post is dedicated to the do’s, the don’t’s, the greats, the failures, and the what’s to come. (lock in, this post is half informing the reader and half wrapping my head around my endless thoughts)