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Author: Lucie

A Modern Wonder of the World

A Modern Wonder of the World

In mid-December, I trekked 4 days and 3 nights to one of the 7 Modern Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu. This marks World Wonder number 3 for me, after Petra and Chichen Itza. Just missing the Colosseum, Great Wall of China, Christ the Redeemer, and the Taj Mahal. I went on this adventure alongside Kersten, my BFF since day 1 at UVA. After spending a week at an animal rescue shelter in the southern Amazon Rainforest, she met me…

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What I mean when I say “Every day is different”

What I mean when I say “Every day is different”

I’ve talked to more than a few people interested in the Peace Corps, and I’m always asked “What’s a normal day like?” As one may expect, my answer is the classic “There’s no ‘normal day’, every day is different”. In honor of this response, I dedicate this post to today. A day that is the textbook definition of “every day is different”. 6am: Wake up 6:10am: Go to the bathroom and realize the recent rains have turned our water brown….

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After 1 year in Ancash, hindsight is 20/20 going into 2025.

After 1 year in Ancash, hindsight is 20/20 going into 2025.

As I look back on the past year, and forward into the next, it is an opportunity to make the most of the time I have left. So, this post is dedicated to the do’s, the don’t’s, the greats, the failures, and the what’s to come. (lock in, this post is half informing the reader and half wrapping my head around my endless thoughts)

The Longer I’m Here, the Quicker Time Flies

The Longer I’m Here, the Quicker Time Flies

Wow, long time no talk. The past couple of months have been an absolute blur. For one, I hit my 1 year mark in Peru (Sept 13). CRAZY how time flies. For the first two weeks in September, I went back to the states for Eric and Andreas’ wedding in Santa Fe, and to see the rest of the family in Boulder and Colorado Springs. I actually stepped foot back in Lima’s Jorge Chavez Airport on the exact day of…

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A Long-Awaited Visit

A Long-Awaited Visit

As promised, I would like to dedicate this post to Kim and Ken’s visit. First, I am overwhelmingly grateful that they can fully understand my life here in Pueblo Libre. While FaceTime is a blessing, there are things that just can’t be achieved through the phone: like Mom chatting with my health colleagues about the Peruvian health care system and generic vs. brand name drugs, or Dad doing his classic “press this button” trick for the kids in my English…

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Learning Quechua: The Basics, Legends, and Beliefs of Peru’s Most Common Indigenous Language

Learning Quechua: The Basics, Legends, and Beliefs of Peru’s Most Common Indigenous Language

I have promised myself that my next post will be dedicated to the time spent with my parents, but right now I want to write about something that is fresh in my mind. I spent the last week in Huaraz, the regional capital of Ancash (about 2 hours from my town), studying Quechua. 4 days, 6 hours a day, alongside my fellow Ancash volunteers and taught by Orlando, one of Peace Corps’ finest. Orlando was born and raised in Huaraz,…

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Braving the Santa Cruz Trek

Braving the Santa Cruz Trek

30 miles, more than 5,000 feet of elevation gain, and a maximum altitude of 15,583 feet – The Santa Cruz Trek was a calf-burning, hyperventilating, beautifully rewarding experience. After a week in Caraz for my second Peace Corps health training, and reuniting with fellow volunteers, I set off on the 3-day backpacking trek with two buddies. The trail started in Vaquería, about a 3-hour drive from Yungay (only 20 minutes from my site). It ended in Cashapampa, a 1-hour drive…

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Mother’s Day, Sleeping in the Middle of Beautiful Nowhere, Becoming the Health Post Assistant, My First Peruvian Wedding, and more

Mother’s Day, Sleeping in the Middle of Beautiful Nowhere, Becoming the Health Post Assistant, My First Peruvian Wedding, and more

If I had a sol (Peruvian currency) for every time someone said I was going to find myself a Peruvian man, get married, and never leave, I’d be rich. Well, yesterday I got to see my future by attending my very first Peruvian wedding! To my surprise, there are many couples here that aren’t married. There are also many who have gotten married “civically”, though not in the church, which have two VERY different meanings. There is not much hoot…

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A Very Special Peruvian Birthday

A Very Special Peruvian Birthday

Well, on April 18th I passed the first of two birthdays in Peru. The big 2-4, and the farthest I’ve ever been from home during a birthday. When I look back on my 24th year, I’ll always think of Peru – it is the only age where I will be 100% in Peru. Half of 23 was spent here, and I’ll pass half of 25 here, but all of 24 will be dedicated to this adventure. I want to shed…

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The Beauty of Ancash

The Beauty of Ancash

During training, most of the volunteers were hoping to get placed in Ancash. There were 5 potential regions – Ancash, Junín, La Libertad, Cajamarca, Amazonas – and we didn’t get to choose. Word (and photos) got around that Ancash was full of snow-capped mountains (called ‘nevados), turquoise glacier lakes (called ‘lagunas’), and hikes to your heart’s desire. The rumors were not wrong. In the 4 months I’ve been here in Ancash (to the day), I’ve experienced a number of breath-taking sights that…

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